Wissen is a great place to work – says the great place to work® institute (india)




Wissen Team


February 3, 2025

Success is a sum of small efforts, repeated every day.

At Wissen, we have always believed that achievement is connected indelibly to action. It gives me great pleasure to announce that all our intentional actions have led us to be recognized as one of the best places to work by the Great Place to Work® Institute (India). 

This recognition is even more special since it comes at a time when most organizations and employees are battling to navigate disruptive forces. This year has been anything but normal, and yet, here are our employees reconfirming that our flexible and progressive work culture has led to a ‘High-Trust, High-Performance Culture™’

From the inception of the company, our strength has been our people. When you work with an incredible team of passionate technologists, receiving such recognition reaffirms your faith in the fact that, as an organization, we have managed to build a workplace that employees love. 

The Great Place to Work recognition becomes a venerable feather in our cap primarily because it is based on an anonymous employee survey conducted by the third-party global authority on workplace culture. The assessment process is quite exhaustive and evaluates the organization’s culture and also compares the same with its competitors using a data-driven survey.

This recognition is the ‘Gold Standard in identifying and recognizing Great Workplace Cultures, where the participating organizations are assessed from two lenses – Trust Index© and Culture Audit©. The Trust Index© measures the underlying level of trust that an organization holds with its employees. The Culture Audit©, as the name suggests, evaluates the organizational culture and how it enables and appreciates its employees.

The Trust Index© also assesses the quality of employee experience sought from anonymous employee feedback and carries two-thirds weightage. The Culture Audit© that carries one-third weightage is a proprietary tool that assesses the quality of people’s practices in the organization and covers the entire employee life cycle. The Great Place to Work® Certification is the standard that organizations globally aspire to meet, especially since this audit is comprehensive and checks the people practices and employee experiences for ALL employees, irrespective of gender, tenure, age, role, and the like. The objective is to determine whether ‘all’ employees find your organization a Great Place to Work.

I believe that a lot of this success comes from making the right candidate selection who fits well into our organization model. Given that we are a company that is “by the technologists and for the technologists”, it has allowed us to set relevant and contextual processes. It has helped us determine the values that matter. It has been instrumental in setting up policies that deliver enablement at work.

With participation from a large percentage of our employees, the study reflected the high levels of engagement of our employees. Our employees are excited to work in this organization and are excited to tell others about their workplace. The study also showed us that our employees do not consider their work as ‘just another job and are highly invested in their work.

For us, this certification is a verdict by our employees. And that is why it matters so much… To know that you have been able to create an organization that has every employee reposing their faith in us is indeed humbling and motivating at the same time. 

Being certified as a Great Place to Work® within 5 years of inception is a testimony to our employees that we have been doing the right things for them. 

That we have been able to build exceptional levels of customer trust and have achieved business success has not been an accident. It has been the result of the extraordinary effort of each employee who has performed with conviction and engagement over the years. We wouldn’t have been able to achieve half of what we have, had it not been for the continued investment, growth mindset, and high ownership levels of our employees. 

For that, we cannot thank them enough, and as we set our eyes on the future, we remain committed to our core philosophy – that of “Employee First”.

“Are you an employer of choice”? I am proud to say that, yes, we are. And now you don’t need to take our word for it. After all, 79% of our employees just told us, and the world, that we are!